What genre would you
say your novels fall into, or do they defy classification?

What made you choose
that genre?
I originally wrote the book without a clear genre in mind
but the biggest marketing advice I was given as an author – and which I advise
others on – is to be clear on your market. So I rewrote it as YA. Once you know
specifically who you are writing to, and in my case these were slightly
insecure, bookwormy, teenage girls, then you can really hone the message of
your book so it meets their model of the world.
How long does it take
you to write a book?
Too long. I have a tendency to get distracted. I was mid-way
through my second novel when my boyfriend decided to propose, so I’ve spent the
past 6 months focussing on our wedding rather than the book.
What is your work
schedule like when you're writing?
I normally try to write first thing because if I don’t, I
never seem to get round to it. So I’ll wake up, do some journal writing, some
energy exercises and then get straight in. I try to write most days otherwise I
lose my flow. I set the goal of writing a chapter a day. My intention is always
to produce a first draft quite quickly and then go back and revise it.
Where do you get your
ideas for your books?
The million dollar question! For me, ideas normally stem
from dreams or meditations and then I develop them in my planning stage. I
never just jump into a book – I spend a couple of months journaling about it
first so I get a strong connection with the world I am creating. This process
also allows my unconscious mind to come up with even more ideas – it’s true
that writing begets writing.
When did you write
your first book and how old were you?
Around 7 and I got as far as 3 chapters before stuffing them
into the back of my wardrobe. I didn’t try again until I was in my early 30s.
What do you like to
do when you're not writing?
At the moment – hanging out with my brand new husband. At
the time of writing this we’re just about to jet off on a magical honeymoon to
Bali and then Australia.
What was one of the
most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Good question. I always ask this to the writing students I
mentor. For me, it was the realisation that writing a book is so much more than
just writing a book. It’s a massive life achievement and a bit like running the
marathon (which I have also done!). It pushes you through your comfort zones
which I always think is a good thing in life. I don’t like to live life too
How many books have
you written?
One so far with lots more in the pipeline including a whole
series of books on how to write.
Which is your
favourite and why?

It’s not just that someone has said they like your book, but
the fact that someone has got something meaningful from your book. I wrote the
book not just to entertain but to help others too. Voices
of Angels is a real coming of age story and has this powerful message
of self-belief. So when I get emails from teen girls telling me that the
message really spoke to their heart – this is the best bit abo
ut being a writer and makes up for all the blood, sweat and tears that went into the book. I always try to write from my heart and I think this shows.
As a child, what did
you want to do when you grew up?
Initially because of my love for animals I wanted to be a
vet. This was when I was about 6. Pretty soon, I realised I was rubbish at
science and couldn’t stand the thought of having to put animals down. So I
pursued my other love – reading and writing. I’ve always been a bookworm and
had a vivid imagination so loved the storytelling classes at school. It
basically just progressed from there and the best bit is there’s still so much
to come!
What are you working
on now?
I’m currently writing another YA paranormal novel. This one
introduces a brand new protagonist and is a lot darker and sexier than Voices
of Angels. And in light of my
recent marriage, it’s also about how to find true love.
Hannah M. Davis is the award winning author of Voices
of Angels published by Soul Rocks Books in July 2012, and after ten
years of living in the South of Spain, now lives in the UK with her husband,
Chris and their Spanish cat. She loves mentoring other aspiring writers and is
currently writing her second book.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Hannah_Author
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