What genre would you say your novels fall into, or do they defy classification?
Children's Fact/Fantasy 8 to 12 year olds.
What made you choose
that genre?
I think it chose me!
As a first time writer with absolutely no writing experience, you will
understand more when you read my author's biography.
How long does it take
you to write a book?
It took me 6 months to write the story, but 18 months to do
the paintings that led to the story. So
2 years from start to finish.
What is your work
schedule like when you're writing?
For the first it was fairly erratic. I will be having a strict routine with my
second book.
Where do you get your
ideas for your books?
From the animals I know.
I look after the feral cats here on our urbanisation, I learn a lot from
When did you write
your first book and how old were you?
This is my first book - I am just coming up for 59!
Hopefully one is never too old or too late!
What do you like to
do when you're not writing?
I enjoy painting, the art world, padel tennis, animals,
travelling, life on the Costa del Sol.
What was one of the
most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
The last line of the book was the first sentence I wrote and
the rest just kept flowing. I was also
surprised how much I enjoyed writing.
How many books have
you written?
As a child, what did
you want to do when you grew up?
Anthropologist or a Fashion Designer
What are you working
on now?
My second book: Landing
on my feet, the adventures of Lolo the cat.

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