Friday 14 June 2019

A Day to Remember #writerslife

On 13 June Accent Press published the third in the D.I. Sterling Series, Injections of Insanity. This coincided with the first day of a book tour and I’m delighted to say the initial response from reviewers has been overwhelmingly positive.

See below what the first readers had to say:

Hooked From Page One: Injections of Insanity is a book that will keep you asking questions and keep you gripped. I would definitely recommend it to fans of police procedurals. Read more ...

Jessica Belmont: I love The D.I. Stirling Series and Lorraine Mace! Every book I’ve read in the series has been fantastic, and Injections of Insanity is no different. Read more … 

Booksandemma-The Twist and Turn book blog: If you’re looking for a real gritty police procedural than look no further than this book ( well the whole series really!) Read more … 

Radzy Writes and Reviews: Injections of Insanity is a powerful third novel to the DI Sterling series, and my favourite so far. Read more … 

Read an excerpt from Injections of Insanity on the Ellesea Loves Reading site.

Find out more about me by reading the Splashes Into Books interview 

The book tour continues with stops at the following excellent locations:

Critique Service for Writers

Writing Competitions

Join the D.I. Sterling Mailing List for News, Updates and Giveaways

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