I am delighted to have Charlie Laidlaw on here to talk about his wonderful book, The Space Between Time.
inspiration for The Space Between Time flowed from my last book, The
Things We Learn When We’re Dead. It
was inspired by a quote from the Roman philosopher and emperor, Marcus
Aurelius, who said that “our life is what our thoughts make it.”
me, it’s quite a profound quote as most of us think that our lives are shaped
by experience. But. Looked at in a
different way, our lives are actually shaped by our memories of those
first book’s central premise was what would happen if we were to remember our
past slightly differently? Would we also
become changed? The answer: yes, we

I think that a life well lived is also about
failure and making bad decisions. The
trouble is that it can take many years for us to realise that, and how small
decisions can have unintended consequences.
The Space Between Time
is a book about love, loss and mental illness, but told with humour. I hope it
balances poignancy with laughter, charting the central character’s story as she
finally comes to terms with who she is and finds her second chance.
It's a book told in the first person and, as she admits, she is an unreliable narrator. She sets out to write a story in which her father is the bad guy, and her mother is pure perfection. It’s a narrative she wants to believe and, more than anything, it’s a narrative that she wants us to believe.
But as the book progresses, her mother isn’t as perfect as she’s portrayed, and her father probably did nothing wrong. The book is therefore about her coming to terms with false memory, and finally coming to terms with her past.
I was born in Paisley, central Scotland, which wasn’t my fault. That
week, Eddie Calvert with Norrie Paramor and his Orchestra were Top of the Pops,
with Oh, Mein Papa, as sung by a young German woman remembering her once-famous
clown father. That gives a clue to my age, not my musical taste.
I have worked in national newspaper journalism and defence intelligence and
now live in East Lothian, where my books are set. I am married with two children, and that’s
about it.
T: @claidlawauthor
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