Tuesday 7 July 2020

Took a Tumble … #running #runner #marathon

The marathon training had been going well. Last week we had to up the total distance to 40.5k, which meant the week ended with a 16k run on Sunday.

The day before I’d achieved a personal best over 6.5k, so I was in exactly the right frame of mind to tackle the long run.

Unfortunately, my ability to stay upright didn’t match my mental attitude. We’d not quite reached 1.5k when I tripped and took a tumble onto some very unforgiving concrete. I lay on the ground like a wounded soldier (probably looked more like a beached whale) before Chris helped me to my feet and we decided to carry on.

The next 14.5k wasn’t fast, but all I wanted was to get it done. The cut stung like mad for a few kilometres, so I limped through that bit, but after that I didn’t feel it until we’d actually finished running. Boy, did it hurt then!

During the run a few passers-by looked at me with varying degrees of pity, but as this was only a minor injury compared to my worst when I managed to break some bones in my hand, I didn’t feel deserving of any real sympathy.

This week we only have to complete 34.5k, but next week the total rises to 45k. I should have rested longer when I was on the ground!

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